
Ocean Jasper

Ocean Jasper


Zodiac Sign

Virgo, Libra and Scorpio


Heart Chakra

Metaphysical Properties

Accepting Change, Letting go, patience, tranquillity, Aids in Tranquility and Wholeness.

Mineral Information

A spherulitic variety of Chalcedony, micro-crystallized Quartz colored by oxides, iron and other impurities, with Quartz and Feldspar forming the spherical (orbicular) structures. Background colors may be green, brown, cream or white, red, pink or yellow, with orb-like inclusions in various colors and combinations. Botryoidal formations as well as white and deep green druzy are also common. Found only along the Northwest coast of Madagascar at the edge of the ocean. As the deposits are part of the shoreline they can only be seen and mined at low tide.