
"Fancy Feast" by Brad Rhadwood

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LaserTrees "Fancy Feast" by Brad Rhadwood

"Fancy Feast" is a four layer, 22" x 36" original design by Brad Rhadwood, produced and collaborated with by Shawn Kessler. 

Feauring Maple, Birch, Red Oak and Walnut hardwoods and one 18mm Abalone cabochon. 

It’s time we take a stand before it’s too late. I’ve sat by and watched as cats kneed their paws into every nook and cranny of the internet. Their plan to rule the world has been in effect for many centuries meow and we are almost to the point of no return. If you agree with this and want to put a stop to it, please look into your cats eyes and tell them firmly “WE KNOW and enough is ENOUGH.” As I write this thousands of cat gifs are being created and slowly my own mind is being molded to their will. I’m not kitten, oh wait, it’s hhhaaapppeeennniiinnnggg !!! #$@&%*!